Asthma & Allergy Foundation of America (Click Here)
American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology (ACAAI)
Allergy Home: (Click Here)
Allergy Symptoms: (Click Here)
Allergy Treatment: (Click Here)
Allergy/Anaphylaxis/FARE (Click Here) (Click Here)
Arizona Asthma Coalition(Click Here)
Anthony Bates Foundation - Sudden Cardiac Arrests Screenings (Click Here)
Arizona Heart Foundation(Click here) (Phoenix and Tucson)
Communicable Disease
ADHS Communicable Disease Resources (Click Here)
AZ Department of Health - Epidemiology & Disease Control (Click Here)
School reporting for communicable diseases form (Click Here)
CDC - Heads UP - Concussion (Click Here)
Covid 19
AZDHS - Arizona's Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
ADE Safe and Healthy Schools- Arizona Department of Education
Cultural Awareness
Health Care Spanish - break down language barriers in health care (Click Here)
Health IT Playbook (Click Here
Hispanic Health - CDC (Click Here)
Latino Health Resource Guide (Click Here)
EMPACT crisis line: 602-222-9444
DCS Hotline: 1-888-767-2445
National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-276-TALK(8255)
Teen Lifeline 480-248-TEEN (8336)
Dental Trauma Guide (Click Here)
American Diabetes Association - Latino Program (Click Here)
American Diabetes Association (Click Here)
Intranasal Glucagon for Pediatrics (Click Here)
Instructions for Gvoke pre-filled syringe (glucagon injection) (Click Here)
Emergency Contacts
Poison Control Center 1-800-222-1222 (Click Here)
Eating Disorders
Rosewood Centers for Eating Disorders (Click Here)
Employment opportunities
Delta-T Group-School and Education workforce Solutions (Click Here)
Epilepsy Foundation Arizona (Click Here)
Epilepsy Training and Education (Click Here)
Gastrointestinal Disorders
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Handbook - Phoenix Children's (Click Here)
Healthy Schools
CDC - Healthy Schools (Click Here)
CDC - Whole school, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) (Click Here)
AZ Department of Education - Health & Nutrition Services (Click Here)
Dairy Council of Arizona (Click Here)
Ear Foundation of Arizona (Click Here)
AZ Department of Health - Immunization Program (Click Here)
CDC - 2023 General Best Practice Guidelines for Immunization (Click Here)
TAPI - The Arizona Partnership for Immunization (Click Here)
Kids Care - Arizona Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) (Click Here)
ADHS Immunization Program (Click Here)
Meningitis video (Click Here)
Arizona State Legislature (Click Here)
OTC medication safety program (Click Here)
Pima County Stock Inhaler Program
Mental Health
Aurora Behavioral Health (Click Here)
Quail Run Behavioral Health (Click Here)
Rehab Arizona - Free/cost-reduced centers (Click Here).
Teen Depression - NIH (Click Here)
National Alliance on Mental Health: 1-800-950-NAMI (6264)
Mental Health America 1-800-969-NMHA (6624)
Barrow Neurological Institute Prevention and Outreach (Click Here)
Nursing Education Resource
Registered (Click here)
Nursing License
Arizona Board of Nursing (Click Here)
Nursing Organizations
Arizona Nurses Association (AzNA) (Click Here)
Arizona Medical Association (Click Here).
National Association of State Boards of Education (Click Here
NASN Learning Center (Click Here)
Choices Pregnancy Centers of Greater Phoenix - Low cost STD Clinic (Click Here)
Pregnancy Resource Center of Arizona (Phoenix)- 480.694.2508
NorthCounty Healthstart (Navajo 928.526.7758 and Coconino County 928.522.9430 )
Aide to Women Center (Tempe) 480-966-1902
AZ Department of Health A Womans right to know resources click here
Substance Abuse
Opioid InformationCDC - Opioids (Click Here).
FDA - Information by Drug class (Click Here).
Get Smart About Drugs (Click Here).
NIH National Institute on Drug Abuse (Click Here).
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) (Click Here).
Video-How Addiction Hijacks the Brain
Start Your Recovery (Click Here)
Vaping - How to Talk With Your Kids About Vaping - American Lung Association (Click Here)
Summer Camp Opportunities
Lions Camp Tatiyee (Click Here)
Camp Not a Wheeze (Click here)
Camp Sunshine (Click Here)
Skylemar (Click Here)
ACES Connection - Trauma-Informed Care Toolkits
AZ Lions Vision Center (Click Here).
NASN VSP Eyes of Hope (Click here)
Review Arizona Department of Health Services' Emergency Guidelines for Schools.
An Arizona resource guide for schools - developed by SNOA! This document lists various tasks that may be delegated by RNs, and to whom.
Samples of physician orders.
NASN members can provide students who qualify with a certificate to receive essential vision care at no cost to the school or student.
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