School Nurses Organization of Arizona - Bylaws
Article I- Name
The name of the organization shall be the School Nurses Organization of Arizona (SNOA) unified with the National Association of School Nurses, Incorporated (NASN). The Organization will be classified as a 503(c)(3) non-profit.
Article II- Goals
The goals of the Organization shall be:
Section 1: To operate as an educational and resource organization on a non-profit basis.
Section 2: To aid school nurses to become more effective.
Section 3: To promote increased awareness of the role of the school nurse in the educational setting.
Article III – Membership
Section 1: Eligibility
Active membership in the Organization shall be open to any licensed nurse who meets the requirements for membership in the National Association of School Nurses (NASN).
Active membership in SNOA shall be open to any licensed nurse or health assistant who is presently employed in an Arizona School.
Affiliated membership in SNOA shall be open to any organization or person who has a direct interest in school nursing in the state of Arizona.
Section 2: Dues
Dues will be paid through NASN or directly to the treasurer of School Nurse Organization of Arizona.
Section 3: Classification
There shall be three classes of membership: Active, Retired, and Affiliated
A. Active members (SNOA/NASN)
a) Be an Active member in NASN (NASN/SNOA member).
b) Be a licensed nurse in the State of Arizona working in the field of school health services (SNOA only).
c) Be a health assistant in the State of Arizona working in the field of school health services (SNOA only).
B. Retired
a) Any Active member of the Organization, upon retirement shall be eligible to become a Retired member, upon notification to the Organization.
b) If a member of the Executive Board retires during their term of office, they may choose to fulfill the remainder of their term and maintain full rights, provided active dues are paid.
C. Affiliated members shall be:
a) An active member in the organization who is affiliated with SNOA but may not necessarily be a school nurse.
Section 4: Rights
Active members shall be entitled to exercise full membership rights.
Section 5: Dues
All annual dues shall be established by NASN and SNOA.
SNOA Membership Only- annual dues will be established by the SNOA Board.
a. Registered Nurse who is employed in School Health - $35.00.
b. Licensed Practical Nurse who is employed in School Health - $30.00.
c. Health Assistant who is employed in School Health - $25.00.
d. An Affiliate who is supportive/direct stakeholder of School Health but not employed directly by a school district- $20.00.
Article IV – Fiscal and Membership Year
Section 1: Payment of NASN dues authorizes membership in the Organization for one full year from the date of payment.
Article V – Officers / Executive Board
Section 1: Composition
The elected officers of the Organization shall be a president, president-elect, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and NASN Delegate-at-large. These officers shall act as the Executive Board of the organization.
Section 2: Eligibility
Only Active members of the SNOA/NASN Organization who are working in the field of school nursing shall be eligible for nomination to the Board.
Section 3: Term of Office
a) The president shall serve for a term of two years. This is a voluntary position and has no compensation attached to the office.
Duties include but are not limited to:
i. Preside at all meetings.
ii. Appoint committee chairpersons.
iii. Prepare a program for the annual business meeting.
iv. Sign proper orders drawn upon the treasury funds as approved by the board.
b) The president-elect shall be elected on odd years and serve for a term of two years. The president elect will automatically succeed the office of the president at the expiration of the president’s term. This is a voluntary position and has no compensation attached to the office.
Duties include but are not limited to:
i. Act for the president in the absence of the president.
c) The vice-president shall be elected in even years and serve for a two-year term. This is a voluntary position and has no compensation attached to the office.
Duties include but are not limited to:
i. Prepare programs for educational events sponsored by the Organization.
ii. Perform other duties as assigned by the Board or President.
d) The secretary shall be elected on odd years and serve a two-year term. This is a voluntary position and has no compensation attached to the office.
Duties include but are not limited to:
i. Keep minutes for the meetings.
ii. Submit minutes following all board meetings for approval or change.
iii. Assist president with the organization’s newsletter.
iv. Keep a notebook/computer documentation with all minutes and organization events for 6 years.
e) The treasurer shall be elected on even years and serve a two-year term. This is a voluntary position and has no compensation attached to the office.
Duties include but are not limited to:
i. Keep accurate records of the organization.
ii. Provide a treasurer report at each board meeting.
iii. Report any required documents to the IRS or other State agency as required by the Corporation Commission of Arizona.
iv. Keep financial records for six years.
f) The delegate-at-large will serve a four-year term in accordance with the NASN Bylaws
Duties for NASN Board of Directors:
i. Serve as a voting member in the development and approval of policies and procedures governing NASN.
ii. A director has a legal, fiduciary, moral and ethical responsibility to the organization.
iii. Serve on committees as assigned. Attend board meetings in January and June, prepared to participate and show commitment to board activities. Complete a Director/Affiliate Activity report before the January and June board meeting.
iv. Read all board e-mail and SchoolNurse Net communications and respond when necessary.
Legal obligations:
Duty of care – demonstrate competence in performing director functions.
Duty of Loyalty – pursue the interests of NASN.
Duty of Obedience – requires that you act with fidelity, within the bounds of the law, articles of incorporation, bylaws and governing documents to further the mission of NASN.
Fiduciary Obligations – approve annual budget, monitor finances.
Moral Obligations – act as official spokesperson from and to SNOA. Aided by the NASN Code of Ethics.
Article VI – Committees
Section 1: Nominations/Elections Committee: Shall be composed of not less than three members.
Duties: to seek out qualified candidates for office and to prepare and count ballots.
Section 2: Advocacy and Communication Committee: Shall notify the membership of current legislation, which is pertinent to school nurse practice and recommend appropriate action to be taken by the Organization.
Section 3: Standing and Special Committees: Unless otherwise stated, the composition, term and duties of all standing and special committees shall be recommended by the president and approved by the executive board.
a. Conference Committee: This is a volunteer position and members will assist with the planning and implementation of the yearly summer SNOA Conference. Volunteers who actively participate on a conference committee sub-group (décor, vendors, registration, etc.) led by a board member AND who miss no more than 1 meeting will have to pay for their conference meal but will have the conference fee waived.
Section 4: Webpage: Support webpage development with school health resources, newsletters, continuing education programs, etc.
Article VII – Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern SNOA in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the Organization may adopt.
Article VIII – Amendments to the Constitution/Bylaws
Section 1: This Organization Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the active members.
Article IX – Dissolution
In the event of dissolution of SNOA, all assets less liability shall be donated to NASN or other appropriate nursing organization as determined by action of the Executive Board.
SNOA is classified under the Internal Revenue Code as a 501 (c) (3) Education
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